Dear Netherlands Association for North American Indians,
Ya’at’teeh, Ashiihi nishli doo To’ahani bashishchiin, Kinlichiini dashichei adoo Nat’oh Dine’e Tachiini dashinali, akoteego Dine’ asdazani nishli.
Greetings relatives, I am of the Salt clan, born for Near the Water, my maternal grandparents are the Red House clan and my paternal grandparents are the Tobacco clan. This is how I am a Diné woman.
I am from Black Mesa, Arizona and I am the first to attend college from my family. I feel fortunate to have been a recipient of this scholarship and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your generosity in helping me fund my education this fall at Northern Arizona University. I am currently a second-year in my Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy program and my expected graduation date is May 2020. While attending NAU as a fulltime graduate student, I also maintain a part-time job in an analytical chemistry lab in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
It is always a challenge to maintain both school, work, family and personal life and I am grateful for the assistance your have shared with me. When I graduate, I know I will use what I have learned at NAU and share the same gift you shared with me with others. I want to make a difference in my community and my goals are much closer in reach with your kind support. Thank you, Netherlands Association for North American Indians, for this wonderful opportunity! Ya’at’tee doo Ahee’hee!
Kindly, Tasha Nez
M.S. Candidate| Environmental Science and Policy